Influenza and myoglobinuria in brothers

Two adult brothers became ill within 48 h of each other and both had severe myoglobinuria. One brother died of oliguric renal failure. The other did not have renal failure and survived. Acute influenza A infection was documented serologically and from throat washings in the surviving brother, and by isolation of the influenza A virus from throat cultures and lung tissue of the brother who died. It is not certain whether a genetic myopathy made these brothers susceptible to viral-induced myoglobinuria, but a normal response of venous lactate to ischemic work excluded lack of phosphorylase or phosphofructokinase as a cause of the myoglobinuria in the surviving brother. Neither brother had a history of recurrent episodes of myoglobinuria precipitated by exercise, cold or fasting, thus making carnitine palmityl transferase deficiency unlikely.