Efficient Second-Harmonic Generation with a Slab Waveguide Composed of Periodically Corona-Poled Organic Copolymer

Using the slab waveguide composed of spin-coated vinylidene cyanide/vinyl acetate (VDCN/VAc) organic copolymer having the square-shaped corrugation of nonlinear optical susceptibility χ(2) with corona discharge in the guiding layer, and taking quasi-phase matching between the dominant modes of both fundamental and second-harmonic waves, enhancement of second-harmonic generation (SHG) has been demonstrated at Nd:YAG 1.06 µm and Er:YAG 2.94 µm laser lines. The SHG power with this χ(2) corrugated slab guide is theoretically evaluated, together with its enhancement factor (E.F.) to a bulk scheme. The E.F. of 500 to 800 obtained in the experiments is consistent with the theoretical estimates.