Etiologic Factors in Secretory Otitis

• We investigated the possible etiologic factors of secretory otitis and dysfunction of the Eustachian tube in 278 healthy 2-year-old children based on screening tympanometry and medical history. We found that catarrhalia was the most frequent etiologic factor, with acute otitis being the second most frequent factor. It was demonstrated that secretory otitis may develop without a preceding infection of the middle ear. It is probable that dysfunction of the tube plays a primary role in the development of secretory otitis. Allergy did not seem to be an etiologic factor. Antibiotic treatment does not promote the development of secretory otitis, but is probably unable to prevent it. Parental disposition could not be related to the children's ear diseases. (Arch Otolaryngol 105:582-588, 1979)

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