Current response characteristics of microchannel plates x-ray detector using synchrotron radiation (0.6–2 keV and 5–20 keV)

The characteristics of microchannel plates (MCPs) for detection of x rays have been investigated using synchrotron radiation in the energy ranges from 0.6 to 2.0 keV and from 5 to 20 keV. Microchannel plates are operated under the condition of an unsaturated pulse‐height distribution mode. The current response curve of MCPs is measured continuously with x‐ray energy variation for the first time. The experimental result of some discontinuous jumps in the response is obtained at the energies corresponding to the absorption edge of the MCP materials. In the low‐energy range (hνhν>5 keV), a weak dependence on θ is observed, and is attributed mainly to the penetration of x rays through multiple channels.