Absence of a vitamin B12 weight gain response in two trials with growing red deer (Cervus elaphus)

Extract Madam:- Cobalt deficiency has long been recognised in New Zealand as a disease in sheep and cattle which may occur when they graze pastures of low cobalt content 0.04 mg/kg DM respectively. ( 2 Clark, R.G. and Millar, K.R. 1983. “Cobalt”. In The Mineral Requirements of Grazing Ruminants, Edited by: Grace, N.D. 27–37. NZ Society of Animal Production. Occasional publication No. 9 [Google Scholar] ) In recent years the farming of red deer (Cervus elaphus) on soil types known to be marginally, moderately or severely deficient( 1 Andrews, E.D. 1971. Cobalt deficiency in sheep and cattle, New Zealand Department of Agriculture. Bulletin 180 [Google Scholar] ) has raised the question of how susceptible these species are to cobalt deficiency. To the authors' knowledge there is no published information on the susceptibility of red deer to cobalt deficiency.