Study of (d, α) Reactions on Some Light Nuclei

The angular distributions of the charged particles from the N14(d, d)N14, N14(d, α0)C12, N14(d, α1)C12*, and N15(d, α0)C13 reactions have been studied with a deuteron bombarding energy of 21 Mev. The charged-particle groups are identified and their energy is measured by a dEdX vs E counter telescope. The N(d, α)C angular distributions and the O16(d, α)N14 angular distribution measured by Freemantle et al. have been compared with theoretical curves calculated from a simplified direct-interaction model. The relative magnitudes of the experimentally determined cross sections have also been compared with theory. The results indicate that the O16(d, α0) reaction can be described by the compound-nucleus extreme, while the N14(d, α1) process appears to favor description by a direct-interaction model. The remaining (d, α) reactions are intermediate cases.

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