Dissociation of N2+2 ions into N+ fragments

Pairs of N+ ions emitted in the dissociation of N2+2 ions were observed in coincidence. Three distinct dissociation channels are reported with total kinetic energy releases of 7.8, 10.2, and 14.8 eV. The dissociative states of N2+2 were formed by bombardment of N2 by 1 MeV He+ ions. The kinetic energy spectra of the N+ ions were measured using the time‐energy spectroscopy technique, wherein the ions released in the dissociations can be separated according to their mass‐to‐charge ratios and their kinetic energy spectra can be recorded. Essentially all of the N+ ions observed resulted from the dissociation of N2+2. The results reported here are in generally good agreement with published reports of electron induced dissociation of N2+2.