Effects of threatening communications and mothers' health beliefs on weight change in obese children

A field experiment was designed to test the effects on weight change in obese children of (1) communications varying in threat and (2) health beliefs of the child's mother, in terms of perceived vulnerability to health threats, the efficacy of taking actions, and barriers to acting. Treatments involved messages containing more or less threatening material regarding obesity, plus a control (no communication) condition. Beliefs were assessed by means of personal interviews. All mothers and children received dietary counseling and were scheduled for four follow-up visits, which included weighing. The 182 participants were from low-income areas served by a large hospital pediatric clinic. High-threat messages yielded the most consistent weight loss, followed by low threat and control. In addition, both general beliefs concerning health and specific beliefs about obesity and dieting predicted weight loss. Both messages and mothers' beliefs acted together on keeping appointments and making efforts to comply. Results are discussed in terms of the effects of threats and health belief-behavior linkages.