Virus was isolated from infected mink organs by a combination of tissue homogenization, fluorocarbon extraction and ultracentrifugation. The final preparation was analysed by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and electronmicroscopy. Virions had a capsid diameter of 22 nm. Preparative agarose electrophoresis separated virions from contaminating ferritin. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis of virus gave a single precipitate with sera from infected mink. Crossed immunoelectrophoretic analysis with intermediate gels showed that a part of the virus preparation was complexed with antibody. Serum from a certain mink was found to contain precipitating antibody to (poly)nucleotid. Virus and virus-antibody complexes were found to focus at pH 4.0–4.4 in isoelectric focusing. In SDS-polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis the main virus protein was found to have a molecular weight of 69000. This study gives further support to the classification of aleutian disease virus as a parvovirus.