Torispherical drumheads: A limit-pressure and shakedown investigation

Following elastic tests, which have been described in detail elsewhere, further work has been carried out in the plastic range on four full-size mild-steel torispherical drumheads subjected to internal pressure. The work is presented here in two parts. Part 1 contains a review of some previous theoretical numerical and experimental work related to the present study, an account of the test installation and procedure, and a presentation of the complete test results. Data on the initiation and propagation of yield are also included. In Part 2 the variations in maximum head strain and head height with increasing pressure are compared with computer predictions from an existing C.E.G.B. programme; there are some inconsistencies between the numerical and experimental data and the relevant factors are considered in detail. The observed limit pressures and maximum shakedown pressures are compared with independent alternative values from several different sources and the implications of the experimental results in relation to design are discussed.

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