Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations of Five Antimicrobials against Treponema Hyodysen Teriae and Treponema Innocens

The minimal inhibitory concentrations of carbadox, dimetridazole, lincomycin, ronidazole, and tiamulin against isolates of Treponema hyodysenteriae and Treponema innocens were determined by an agar-dilution method. The results obtained indicated that tiamulin was the most effective antimicrobial in vitro against T. hyodysenteriae, followed by carbadox. Dimetridazole, lincomycin, and ronidazole had poor efficacy in vitro against the T. hyodysenteriae isolates. Isolates of T. innocens were more sensitive to the various antimicrobials. Carbadox and tiamulin were the most effective in vitro, followed by ronidazole, dimetridazole, and lincomycin.