Response of maize to copper and sulphur in tropical regions

SUMMARY: Field studies were conducted in order to determine the components of yield and response of maizeto soil applied copper and sulphur in the rainforest-savannah transition zone and Guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. Five CuO treatments, 0, 1, 3, 6 and 9 kg/ha, were applied to maize in 1988–90, and grain yield was consistently and significantly increased by the 1 kg/ha CuO treatment. Five S treatments, 0, 10, 20, 40 and 80 kg/ha, were applied to maize in 1989–90, and all treatments increased grain yield significantly in 1989, but only the 10 kg/ha S treatment increased grain yield significantly in 1990. Higher amounts of applied S increased leaf S significantly in the Guinea savannah zone.