Purpose: The psoas hitch ureteral reimplant has been described in the literature as an excellent method to restore ureterovesical continuity in patients with ureteral defects of various etiologies. However, long-term data on the durability of this procedure are lacking. We retrospectively reviewed patients who underwent ureteral reconstruction using the psoas hitch reimplantation to determine long-term efficacy. Materials and Methods: Ureteral reimplantation in the adult is frequently performed in the setting of ureteral tissue loss secondary to resection or injury. The psoas hitch reimplantation is a simple, versatile technique that avoids the inclusion of intestinal segments and can be used in most patients requiring reimplantation. Indications for surgery and the long-term followup were examined in 20 patients undergoing reimplantation using the psoas hitch. Results: The indications for ureteral reconstruction included surgical injury in 13 cases, recurrent pyelonephritis with reflux in 1, obstruction secondary to cancer in 2, trauma in 1, retroperitoneal fibrosis in 1 and ureteral stricture in 2. At followup of 1 to 14 years (mean 6) 17 patients have not required further intervention for urological problems and have retained normal renal function. In the 2 patients with cancer ileal conduit was performed later and in 1 flank pain persisted despite negative urological evaluation. Conclusions: Psoas hitch ureteral reimplantation can be used successfully for bridging various ureteral defects in difficult clinical situations. Adequate renal and bladder mobilization will allow reconstruction despite long ureteral defects.