A functional analysis of the striated swim-bladder muscles engaged in the sound production of the toadfish has been performed by simultaneous recording of muscle action potentials, mechanical effects, and sound. Experiments with electrical nerve stimulation were made on excised bladder, while decerebrate preparations were used for studies of reflex activation of bladders in situ. The muscle twitch in response to a single maximal nerve volley was found to be very fast. The average contraction time was 5 msec. with a range from 3 to 8 msec., the relaxation being somewhat slower. The analysis of muscle action potentials with surface electrodes showed that the activity of the muscle fibers running transversely to the long axis of the muscle was well synchronized both during artificial and reflex activation. With inserted metal microelectrodes monophasic potentials of 0.4 msec. rise time and 1.2 to 1.5 msec. total duration were recorded. The interval between peak of action potential and onset of contraction was only 0.5 msec. Microphonic recordings of the characteristic sound effect accompanying each contraction showed a high amplitude diphasic deflection during the early part of the contraction. During relaxation a similar but smaller deflection of opposite phase could sometimes be distinguished above the noise level. The output from the microphone was interpreted as a higher order derivative function of the muscle displacement. This interpretation was supported by complementary experiments on muscle sound in mammalian muscle. The dependence of the sound effects on the rate of muscle contraction was demonstrated by changing the temperature of the preparation and, in addition, by a special series of experiments with repeated stimulation at short intervals. Results obtained by varying the pressure within the bladder provided further evidence for the view that the sound initiated in the muscle is reinforced by bladder resonance. Analysis of spontaneous grunts confirmed the finding of a predominant sound frequency of about 100 per second, which was also found in reflexly evoked grunts. During these, muscle action potentials of the same rate as the dominant sound frequency were recorded, the activity being synchronous in the muscles on both sides. Some factors possibly contributing to rapid contraction are discussed.