Octupole vibrational origin of the low Kπ=0; I=1 states in the A218 Rn, Ra, and Th even-even nuclei

From an analysis of the experimental data, we assign Iπ=3 (and I=4+) levels in even Rn86 nuclei. These levels, together with known levels with Iπ=1 in Rn86 and negative parity levels Kπ=0; I=1,3,and5 in Rn88, Th90, and U92, demonstrate features of strong Coriolis coupling. The existence of strong Coriolis coupling effects is typical only for rotational bands based on one-phonon octupole vibrational states which include particles with largej (j152, i132, etc.), but not for bands based on states Kπ=0; I=1 with stable octupole deformation.