Stomatal responses to changes in humidity in plants growing in the desert

The stomata of plants growing in the Negev Desert, namely the stomata of the mesomorphic leaves of Prunus armeniaca, the xeromorphic stems of Hammada scoparia, and the succulent leaves of Zygophyllum dumosum, respond to changes in air humidity. Under dry air conditions diffusion resistance increases. Under moist air conditions diffusion resistance decreases. When the stomata close at low air humidity the water content of the apricot leaves increases. The stomata open at high air humidity in spite of a decrease in leaf water content. This excludes a reaction via the water potential in the leaf tissue and proves that the stomatal aperture has a direct response to the evaporative conditions in the atmosphere. In all species the response to air humidity is maintained over a period of many hours also when the soil is considerably dry. The response is higher in plants with poor water supply then in well watered plants. Thus for field conditions and for morphologically different types of photosynthesizing organs the results confirm former experiments carried out with isolated epidermal strips.