The sympathomimetic compound neosynephrin hydrochloride has properties of interest to ophthalmologists. After three years of clinical trial and some experimentation on animals, a report is given under the following headings: (1) the general action of the preparation, (2) its local action and (3) some of its uses in ophthalmologic practice. Neosynephrin hydrochloride has been accepted by the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association, and its description is given in "New and Nonofficial Remedies." GENERAL ACTION There have been a considerable number of reports on the general actions of the drug. When it is given in rather small doses the blood pressure is raised and sustained over a considerable time. A dose of 1 mg. will produce in a few minutes a sustained rise of the blood pressure, whether the drug is given intravenously (an immediate effect), subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the ratio of the activity on the

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