Comparative study of assays detecting complement activation. Complement-split product C3d (rocket immuno-electrophoresis) and C3d neodeterminants (ELISA)

The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between two types of assay measuring specific products of complement C3 activation and their clinical application. Complement C3d split product was estimated using double-decker rocket immunoelectrophoresis (DD-RIE) and measurements of C3d neodeterminants exposed after C3 activation was carried out with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A total of 595 blood samples were measured in parallel in the DD-RIE and the ELISA test systems. The samples originated from blood donors (44), uraemic patients undergoing dialysis (135), serial samples from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients during steroid treatment (88) and 328 randomly collected patient samples. The mean values for DD-RIE and ELISA (±1 SD) for the 595 samples were 48 (±20) mU/1 and 48 (>28) mU/1 respectively. The interassay coefficient of variation (CV) in the ELISA was 18%. The Spearman rho-correlation coefficient between the two assays was 0.63 for all 595 samples. The mean values using ELISA and DD-RIE were practically identical for the 328 successively incoming samples, the samples from the 135 dialysis patients and the 44 donors. In RA patients a higher mean value was found for the 88 samples using DD-RIE than ELISA. In the majority of patient samples there was a good correlation between the two assays. However, the ELISA appears to be more sensitive in detecting acute complement activation and to give lower levels in RA patients with chronic complement activation.