A propos des particularités techniques et typologiques du gisement des Tares, commune de Sourzac (Dordogne)

SUMMARY The site and lithic industry of Les Tares in the Isle River Valley (Dept. of Dordogne, France) is described. The site lies on a middle Rissian terrace and consists of silty-clay colluvium probably deposited under swampy conditions. The industry lacks handaxes and shows a Mousterian technique of manufacture. 85 % of the retouched tools are side scrapers, notches, and denticulates made on typically Quina flake blanks but generally exhibiting flat instead of Quina scraper retouch. The industry seems most similar to the Rissian industry of La Micoque (layer 3) which also lacks handaxes, and to the Würmian Quina Mousterian of Combe Grenal and Chinchon. Comparison is also made with the High Lodge Clactonian. These characteristics suggest that Les Tares industry may represent a Rissian antecedent of the Charentian Mousterian.Rigaud Jean Philippe, Texier J.-P. A propos des particularités techniques et typologiques du gisement des Tares, commune de Sourzac (Dordogne). In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, tome 78, n°4, 1981. pp. 109-117

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