Potentiation of synaptic responses in slices from the chick forebrain

Coronal slices, containing part of the medial hyperstriatum ventrale (MHV), were cut from the left forebrains of domestic chicks and maintained in vitro. Records were made of the field responses evoked in the MHV by local electrical stimuli provided at 0.1 Hz. Two 1 min periods of stimulation at 5 Hz, separated by 10 min, were used in attempts to induce a persistent increase in the size of the postsynaptic response to test stimulation at 0.1 Hz. This procedure produced a potentiation which usually lasted longer than 2 h. The probability of inducing this persistent potentiation of the response (PPR) is not distributed evenly over the whole anteroposterior length of the MHV but is higher in slices that also contain the septomesencephalic tract ventrally. These are the slices that contain the intermediate part of the medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV); an area that is essential for early behavioural learning. At this level PPR is not confined to the IMHV. It can also be produced in the lateral neostriatum in response to similar local stimulation at 5 Hz. No PPR was observed in either the caudal ectostriatum, or the paleostriatum.

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