The Use of Contact Lenses After Keratoconic Epikeratoplasty

• Thirty-three epikeratoplasties were performed on 31 keratoconic contact lens intolerant patients. Thirty-two of these procedures were anatomically successful with clear lenticules and flattening of the postoperative keratometric measurements in all but one eye. One patient's lenticule developed a persistent epithelial defect that eventually required its removal at 42 days. This patient subsequently underwent a successful penetrating keratoplasty. Of the 32 eyes that were anatomically successful, 20 eyes in 19 patients were able to achieve satisfactory visual improvement requiring either no correction or spectacle lenses. Twelve eyes in 11 patients were successfully refit with contact lenses for anisometropic refractive errors (11 eyes) and residual irregular astigmatism (one eye). Three patients (two in the non-contact lens group and one in the contact lens group) have subsequently undergone penetrating keratoplasty for further visual improvement. Our data suggest that the majority of keratoconic epikeratoplasties achieve a satisfactory visual result either unaided or with spectacles; however, those patients who wish to resume contact lens wear may do so successfully.