VI.—On Cretaceous Ammonoidea from Angola, collected

The Ammonoids described in the present paper were placed first of all, for study, in the hands of Mr J. M. Wordie, whose departure, however, as geologist with Sir E. Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition prevented the completion of the work. A preliminary list of identifications by Mr Wordie included a number of forms of “Schloenbachia” especially “S.” inflata, J. Sowerby sp., this form alone being quoted from ten localities. Professor Gregory, in his “Contributions to the Geology of Benguella,” * referred to these identifications, and in his correlation-table classed the beds with “Schloenbachia inflata” as “Vraconnian,” following the prevailing custom. It may be well, however, to remark here already thatA. inflatus, J. Sowerby, will be shown to be an exclusively Albian, and not even uppermost Albian, form, and that there is no evidence of any Cenomanian admixture in the typically Albian fauna of the so-called “zone ofA. inflatus” in Angola, so that the term Vraconnian is here rejected. Moreover, Renevier's “Vraconnian” was meant for post-inflatabeds, and, in the writer's opinion, Sowerby's species is not represented at all in the Angola collection.

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