Response of the microflora in outdoor experimental streams to pentachlorophenol: compartmental contributions

Outdoor artificial streams were treated continuously with pentachlorophenol (PCP) for 88 days during the summer of 1983. The contributions of different stream compartments (microbial habitats) to microbial degradation of PCP were determined in a stream treated with 144 micrograms of PCP per liter. The 488-m long stream was composed of mud-bottomed pools alternating with gravel riffles. PCP loss in the stream attributable to microbial degradation after an adaptation period was in the range of 55 to 74%. Contributions to PCP loss were determined for rock surface (epilithic), macrophyte surface (epiphytic), sedimentary, and water column communities by measuring rates of PCP disappearance in stream water, containing ambient concentrations of PCP, in contact with representative compartmental samples. The specific capability, in units of micrograms of PCP per hour per square meter of stream cross-sectional area (macrophytes at maximum plant density, water column at mean depth, upper 10-cm layer of gravel), followed the order rock surface much greater than macrophytes greater than sediment approximately equal to water column. The compartmental contribution to total stream losses in units of grams per hour followed the same order, although the differences were smaller. The rate of PCP disappearance in the water column above sediment cores followed the order oxygen-rich greater than oxygen-poor approximately equal to anaerobic greater than sorption-only conditions. The large difference in specific capability between the rock surface and sediment compartments could be attributed to oxygen deficiency (because of chemical and biological oxygen demand) in the sediments. Free-floating and particle-attached organisms in the water column were important to PCP biodegradation.