Nuclease enhancement of specific cell agglutination in a serodiagnostic test for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Antiserum to a purified type R lipopolysaccharide antigen isolated from N. gonorrhoeae was used in a slide agglutination test and compared with conventional carbohydrate utilization and fuorescent antibody tests to confirm the identity of laboratory cultures classified as typical or atypical N. gonorrhoeae. Cultures of Corynebacterium vaginalis, N. meningitidis, N. catarrhalis [Branhamella catarrhalis], N. sicca, and N. lactamicus were tested in the slide agglutination procedure. The addition of DNase RNase (1 mg/ml) to the cell suspension medium of phosphate-buffered saline improved the sensitivity and specificity of the agglutination reaction for N. gonorrhoeae. Problems relating to the agglutination test as an aid in identification of N. gonorrhoeae are discussed.