Microscopic Lesions in the Hearts of Aged Horses and Mules

The hearts of 23 aged equids (18 horses and 5 mules) were examined histologically. Major findings included arteriolosclerosis and intimal bodies in small muscular arteries, myocarditis, myocardial fibrosis, fatty metamorphosis of myocardial and Purkinje fibers, myocytolysis, and basophilic (mucinous) degeneration of myocardium. Lesions less frequently seen included chronic fibrotic valvulitis, acute myocardial necrosis, sarcosporidiosis, and hemosiderosis. Single cases of malignant melanoma, cartilaginous metaplasia of the I-V septum, mineralization of connective tissue in the I-V septum, and an aneurysm of the left ventricular apex were also found. In some instances, correlations could be made between pathologic and clinical findings. Purkinje fibers were found in both atria.