Starting from a given attractive potential, we give a systematic analysis of the spin-singlet s-wave Cooper-pair-condensate fluctuations in a two-dimensional (2D) superconductor. These results are applied to a superlattice of superconducting sheets in which the 2D charge fluctuations are coupled via the Coulomb interaction. Our main interest is how the low-energy Anderson-Bogoliubov (AB) phonon mode in the pair-breaking gap ωet al.). A comlete normal-mode analysis is given for a charged BCS superconductor, showing how the repulsive (Coulomb) interaction modifies the collective modes of a neutral superconductor. This complements the recent numerical study carried out by Fertig and Das Sarma. We show that the pair-response function shares the same spectrum as the charge-response function, given by the zero of the longitudinal dielectric function ε(q,ω). In 2D and layered superconductors, there is a low-frequency and high-frequency plasmon branch, separated by a relatively narrow particle-hole continuum at around 2Δ. The low-frequency (ω<2Δ) plasmon branch is a renormalized version of the AB phonon mode.