Ozone Versus Ozone/Peroxide Induced Particle Destabilization And Aggregation: A Pilot Study

This research compares the role of ozone and the conjunctive use of ozone plus hydrogen peroxide in particle destabilization and particle aggregation, and improvement in filtered water quality. Particle destabilization was observed at all doses of ozone and ozone/peroxide studied, whereas aggregation was observed with ozone only at lower doses (> 2 mg/L) and in conjunction with ozone/peroxide (all doses studied). As compared to alum alone, the ozone-plus-alum and ozone/peroxide-plus-alum treatments provided improved flocculation and better filtered water quality. In addition, each of these preoxidations significantly reduced alum requirements. Overall, in terms of particle destabilization and aggregation; i.e., effectiveness as a coagulation aid, Ozone/peroxide performed better than ozone.