An attempt is made to study some of the processes whereby energy is absorbed in bone and soft tissue from high-voltage (X and γ) radiation. For this purpose calculations are made of (1) the number and the ranges of the electrons generated, and (2) the partition of energy between photo- and recoil-electrons, in bone, soft tissue (muscle), and fat. From a brief consideration of bone structure and its significance for the effects produced in bone by high-voltage radiation, we are led to consider the absorption of energy in the Haversian canals and other soft tissue elements present in bone. It is concluded that in radiation treatment of bone tumours, intra-cranial tumours and carcinoma of the cervix, it may be preferable to use very hard radiations (radium γ rays or X rays generated at potentials greater than one million volts). In the first case this is in order to produce minimal bone damage so as to permit maximal natural repair, and in the other cases to minimise radio-necrosis of the calvarium and weight-supporting bones in the pelvis. The results show that the presence of tissue such as bone gives rise, in X-ray therapy, to local regions where extremely rapid energy absorption gradients exist.