Gonad dose in cineurethrocystography

The technical factors used for cineurethrocystography for the true lateral projection in females were given. The midline radiation dose was measured with LiF TLD [thermoluminescent dosimeters] inserted into the vagina in 19 examinations. The average dose recorded was 148 mrad, the range was 50-306 mrad; the average number of cine frames exposed was 96. Data obtained using a Rando phantom indicated that the average ovary dose was 30% greater than the mid-line dose since the near ovary receives a higher dose than the more distant one. The technique used for men was also given, the average gonad dose in 6 men was 123 mrad, range 56-243 mrad when simple Pb foil gonad protection was used; the average number of cine frames was 107. The dose in 1 man without gonad protection was 1575 mrad for 112 cine frames. Results for both sexes compare favorably with those previously reported and with gonad doses recorded in typical I.V.P [pyelography] examinations.