Perinatal lead exposure and relapse to drug-seeking behavior in the rat: a cocaine reinstatement study

Rationale Intravenous self-administration of cocaine at low doses is increased by chronic low-level exposure to lead during gestation and lactation (perinatal lead exposure). Insofar as drug potency is increased by early lead exposure, it must be considered that cocaine-seeking and relapse after periods of withdrawal similarly may be enhanced by perinatal lead exposure. Objectives Employing an animal model, the present study examined the effects of lead exposure during gestation and lactation on cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug-seeking, when animals were tested as adults. Methods Adult female rats were gavaged once daily with 0 or 16 mg lead for 30 days prior to breeding with non-exposed males. This exposure regimen continued until offspring were weaned at postnatal day (PND) 21. At PND 120, male offspring were trained to self-administer cocaine intravenously (IV) [0.50 mg/kg cocaine per infusion on a fixed-ratio schedule where two lever presses resulted in drug delivery (FR-2 schedule)]. After steady-state responding was established, cocaine reinstatement responding was assessed for each group within an extinction paradigm. During the initial 1 h of reinstatement testing, the previous baseline contingencies were in place, i.e. animals operated under an FR-2 schedule for an infusion of 0.50 mg/kg cocaine. During the 2 h, 3 h, and 4 h of testing saline infusions were substituted for cocaine infusions. After responding extinguished during hour 4, reinstatement of responding was tested by administering an intraperitoneal (IP) priming injection of 0.00, 5.00, 10.00, or 20.00 mg/kg cocaine. Following these injections, lever responding for saline infusions was monitored during hour 5. Results The number of saline infusions self-administered during hour 5 increased in a dose-dependent fashion for both controls (group 0-mg) and lead-exposed (group 16-mg) animals. However, lead-exposed animals self-administered significantly more saline infusions than controls at the 5.00 mg/kg and 10.00 mg/kg doses. This apparent metal-related increase in sensitivity to cocaine was evident with blood lead in metal-exposed test animals returning to control levels. However, brain lead levels remained elevated in lead-exposed test animals, relative to controls. Conclusions The results of this investigation suggest that low-level lead exposure during gestation and lactation increases sensitivity to the relapse phase of drug abuse. It is further apparent that this increased sensitivity to the reinstatement of drug-seeking behavior is long-lasting.