Transport of microbial biomass through the North Inlet ecosystem

Tidal fluctuations and transports of total microbial biomass (measured as adenosine triphosphate [ATP]) were investigated at three marsh creeks comprising the major transfer points between the North Inlet marsh and the adjoining aquatic ecosystems. Two creeks, Town Creek and North Jones Creek, form the inlet mouth and are the only marsh-ocean exchange points. The third creek, South Jones Creek, connects to a brackish water embayment. The creeks were simultaneously sampled every 1.5 hours for 50 consecutive hours during neap tides (four tidal cycles) and 50 consecutive hours during spring tides of each season. At the inlet, ATP concentration fluctuated in phase with the tide during winter and fall and out of phase with the tide during the spring. Fluctuation patterns at South Jones Creek were irregular. The highest ATP concentrations were during the spring (mean=2.17 mg of ATP per m3) and the lowest concentrations were during the winter (mean=0.65 mg of ATP per m3). Net transports of ATP varied from tidal cycle to tidal cycle with regard to direction of transport (import or export) and magnitude. Net transports were small compared to large instantaneous transports and only 4 of 22 determinations of net transport were different from zero transport.