Radioisotope yields from 1.85-GeV protons on Mo and 1.85- and 5.0-GeV protons on Te

Radioisotope yields from 1.85-GeV proton interactions in a natural isotopic composition Mo target and those from 1.85- and 5.0-GeV protons in natural Te targets were measured at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Bevatron. The radioisotope yields were determined by γ-counting the targets using 100-cm3 coaxial Ge detectors following the irradiations. Cross sections were determined for the production of 36 radioactive nuclides, ranging from Z=35, A=74 to Z=43, A=97, from the Mo target and for 43 radioactive nuclides, ranging from Z=35, A=75 to Z=53, A=130 from the Te targets. The average deviations of the experimental cross sections from those predicted by the semiempirical isotopic cross sections of Silberberg and Tsao were 53% for p+Mo at 1.85 GeV, 66% for p+Te at 1.85 GeV, and 35% for p+Te at 5.0 GeV. These deviations are higher than those found previously for medium and heavy targets and for elemental cross sections. The minimum production cross section of 91Nb, which may be of interest as a cosmic-ray chronometer, was found to be 18±3 mb for the p+Mo reaction.