Moment canting in the erbium-iron-manganese-boron system: Magnetization effects

We report that Er2Fe14−x MnxB compounds at 4 K have a component of the magnetization which is linear in the applied field. We attribute this to a noncollinear Er moment structure in which the Er moments rotate under application of an external field. The slope becomes very large (dM/dH=0.51μB/f.u./T) at x=2, near the composition where the net Er and transition metal sublattice magnetizations are equal at zero temperature. This enhanced field dependence suggests an additional moment rotation mechanism near compensation. In the compositions x=2.5 and 2.75, just above zero temperature compensation, the slope of the linear field dependence abruptly increases when the field reaches 5 and 7.2 T, respectively. High Mn concentrations have rare-earth-dominated magnetization curves with substantial curvature at low fields and a linear nonsaturating field dependence at high fields. Anomalies are also observed in the initial magnetization behavior above x=2.5.