Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a loop or double thickness of semitendinosus tendon

This is a report on the use of a loop or double thickness of the semitendinosus tendon to reconstruct the ante rior cruciate ligament in 26 patients. Through this method the tensile strength of the graft becomes greater than the tensile strength of the normal anterior cruciate ligament. The looped, free tendon is fixed tightly in holes in the femur and tibia by means of a bone plug obtained with the trephine used to cut these holes. The tight fit of the tendon in the femur and tibia creates a close relation ship between graft and host and hence rapid revascu larization of the tendon graft. As a measure of function, the pivot-shift test, Lachman's test, and anterior drawer sign were performed pre- and postoperatively. There was a good result in 23 and a fair result in 3 cases. The average follow-up period is 3 years.

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