Promoting Research in the Clinical Setting: A Local Inquiry and a Complementary Literature Review

A report on research prospects for occupational therapists employed in Southampton was commissioned by the Director of Occupational Therapy Practice. This article relates the comments gleaned from interviews with 25 people. Obtaining research training and the lack of a career structure were discussed. Acknowledgement was made of the dilemma facing occupational therapists inasmuch as research is required to Justify occupational therapy to purchasers whilst at the same time managing heavy clinical caseloads so that contracts can be met. Occupational therapy managers were concerned that, if research was conducted by existing members of staff, these targets may not be met. The challenge for occupational therapy managers and clinicians is to balance and address these needs skilfully. Subsequently, the second author reviewed the literature. The complementary literature review relates how others have viewed the relevance of research to occupational therapy, the provision of training, support and a career path for research, and ways of synthesising research and clinical practice.

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