The parasitoid Aphidius nigripes spent more time searching on potato plants previously infested with aphids than on fresh plants, suggesting the presence of searching stimulants on infested plants. Water extracts of aphid honeydew applied to the surface of foliage or to filter paper discs increased searching time and affected the locomotory behavior of parasitoids. When crossing a honeydew-treated area on filter paper, female parasitoids exhibited arrestment, antennal examination, abdominal protraction, reduced walking speed, and increased turning. Upon losing contact with honeydew-contaminated substrate, parasitoids often exhibited a klinotactic response which drove them back to the treated area. The time spent by individual parasitoids within a honeydew-treated area on filter paper decreased with successive visits, but the initial response level was restored when the insect was prevented from contacting honeydew for 1 h. The retention response exhibited by parasitoids contacting a honeydew-treated area increased with honeydew concentration, but levelled off at high concentrations. Naive parasitoids were more responsive to the retention effect of honeydew than experienced individuals.