Development of Mg Alloy Sheets via Strip Casting

AZ31 and experimental ZMA611 alloys were strip cast into 2 mm thick strips. The as-cast AZ31 alloy strip consists of columnar dendrites. On the other hand, as-cast ZMA611 alloy strip shows equiaxed dendritic structure through the thickness of strip. These alloys were subjected to various thermomechanical treatments and their tensile properties were evaluated. Strip cast AZ31 alloy in H24 condition has equivalent yield and tensile strengths with similar ductility compared to commercial ingot cast AZ31-H24 alloy, indicating that strip casting is a viable process for the fabrication of Mg alloy strips. The ZMA611 alloy has a large volume fraction of fine dispersoid particles in the microstructure, resulting from the beneficial effect of strip casting on microstructural refinement. It has been shown that the ZMA611 alloy has superior tensile properties compared to commercial ingot cast AZ31-H24 alloy, suggesting the possibility of the development of new wrought Mg alloy sheets by strip casting.