Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the two-subunit pilin of Bacteroides nodosus 265

The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding pilin from Bacteroides nodosus 265 has been determined. The pilin is encoded by a single-copy gene, from which can be predicted a prepilin comprising a single protein chain of Mr 16,637. The prepilin sequence differs in several respects from the mature protein sequence. Seven additional N-terminal amino acid residues are present in prepilin, whereas residue 8, phenylalanine, undergoes posttranslational modification to become the N-methylated amino-terminal residue of mature pilin. In addition, further processing occurs through internal cleavage to produce two noncovalently linked subunits characteristic of pilins from serogroup H of B. nodosus, of which strain 265 is a member. The position of cleavage has been identified between alanine residues at positions 72 and 73 of the mature 149-residue pilin protein. The predicted pilin sequence of B. nodosus 265 shows extensive N-terminal amino acid sequence homology with other pilins of the N-methylphenylalanine type. In addition this sequence also shows homology with these N-methylphenylalanine-type pilins in the C-terminal region of the molecule, especially with pilin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAK.