Is there an indication for the existence of right-handed weak currents in nuclear beta decay?

The authors examine recent claims that experiments on neutron-decay are at variance with the standard V-A helicity structure of the standard model. The analysis presented here combines the neutron data with other recent experimental results and theoretical elaborations in the field of nuclear beta decay. If interpreted in the framework of left-right symmetric models, the data favour the existence of a right-handed weak gauge boson with mass between 207 and 369 GeV c2 at 95% CL. The fit using the standard V-A helicity structure has a chi 2 of 8.52 for four degrees of freedom and excludes the V-A solution at 2.53 standard deviations. This exclusion is due mainly to the new neutron asymmetry data and is in disagreement with the conclusions drawn from muon decay and from the KL-KS mass difference in the framework of manifest left-right symmetric models.