Serum levels of cholesterol, phospholipids, total lipids, free fatty acids and protein-bound iodine as well as urinary excretion of steroid metabolites were measured in healthy men and women of 3 age groups prior to and after administration of triiodo-thyronine. In older men and women, besides an increase in serum lipids, there was also found an elevated urinary etiocholanolone/ androsterone ratio. Protein-bound iodine did not change with age, whereas urinary total 17-ketosteroids, but not 17-ketogenic steroids, were lowered. After administration of triiodothyronine the extent of changes of serum cholesterol, phospholipids and total lipids was found to depend on their initial level. No such correlation was found in the case of free fatty acids. Protein-bound iodine levels as well as the urinary etiocholanolone/androsterone ratio were decreased after triiodothyronine in all groups. The possible relation between the elevated etiocholanolone/androsterone ratio and thyroid hormones in old people is discussed. Sexual differences have also been considered.