The 1, 2 1A’ potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the He–H2 system, surfaces which correlate asymptotically with He(1S)+H2(X 1Σ+g, B 1Σ+u) system states, are characterized using MCSCF/CI wave functions. The existence of charge transfer structures of the form (HeH)+–H on the two PESs is considered as are the electronic structure aspects of the nonadiabatic quenching process He+H2(B 1Σ+u )→He+H2(X 1Σ+g). While this work builds on previously reported theoretical treatments of these PESs, both qualitative and quantitative differences are found. In particular, our predicted entrance channel saddle point corresponds to a barrier of 1.5 kcal/mol on the 2 1A’ PES which is significantly lower than previous work. More significantly an extended region of large nonadiabatic effects characterized by the near degeneracy of the 1 1A’ and 2 1A’ PESs, E(2 1A’)−E(1 1A’)1A’ PES, which is exothermic with respect to dissociation to He+H2(B 1Σ+u) and is characterized by general Cs, rather than C2v or Cv geometries, was not uncovered in previous studies. Analyses based on the molecular dipole moment and the nonadiabatic coupling matrix elements 〈Ψ(2 1A’)‖(∂/∂Rα) Ψ(1 1A’)〉 are used to characterize this region.