Immimocytological localization of a somatostatin-like substance in the brain of the giant slug, Limax maximus L.

Immunocytological tests reveal the presence of a somatostatin-like substance in perikarya and axons in the brain of the giant slug Limax maximus L. Controls carried out on adjacent sections with absorbed antiserum or different antibodies raised against several biologically active peptides of vertebrates (ACTH-17-39, α- and β endorphin, α- and β MSH, methionin-enkephalin, TRH) demonstrate the specificity of the “staining”. However, some cells are both somatostatin- and FMRF-amide-positive. In the cerebral ganglia, the right Z-area cells, responsible for the synthesis of the maturation hormone (MH) are strongly somatostatin-positive. These results suggest a similarity between the MH and the somatostatin-like material contained in the Z-area cells. The simultaneous presence of two peptides in one and the same cell, the nature (elementary granules or soluble product) of the material, and its site of release are discussed.

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