Some of the Diptera collected in recent expeditions to the Southern Islands of the New Zealand Sub-region are recorded. All pertinent data of occurrence, distribution and habitats, as recorded in previous publications are incorporated so that information on all species is complete as far as is known. The families dealt with are: Anisopodidae; Mycetophilidae; Dolichopodidae (some) ; Lonchopteridae; Syrphidae ; Agromyzidae ; Asteiidae ; Australimyzidae ; Canaceidae; Chloropidae; Coelopidae; Cypselosomatidae; Drosophilidae; Ephydridae; Helcomyzidae; Heleomyzidae; Sapromyzidae; Sciomyzidae; Sphaeroceridae; Tethinidae; Muscidae (some) ; Calliphoridae; Hippoboscidae. The islands in this survey are: Antipodes, Auckland, Bounty, Campbell, Macquarie and Snares. Six new species are described: Liriomyza lepidii and Liriomyza antipoda (Agromyzidae) ; Polytocus costatus (Sciomyzidae) ; Protoborborus brevis (Cypselosomatidae) ; Scatella abbreviata (Ephydridae) ; Tethina horningi (Tethinidae). One new synonymy is proposed: Coelopa nigrifrons Lamb is placed as a synonym of Coelopa debilis Lamb (Coelopidae). New records of occurrence are noted as follows: 9 for Antipodes Island; 28 for Auckland Islands; 1 for Campbell Island; 35 for Snares Islands. Keys, as needed, down to species are given in all families.