Density and composition of the lower mantle

The observed density distribution of the lower mantle is compared with density measurements of the (M g,Fe)SiO3perovskite and (Mg,Fe)O magnesiowtistite highpressure phases as functions of pressure, tem perature and composition. We find that for plausible bounds on the composition of the upper mantle (ratio of magnesium to iron + magnesium componentsxMg^ 0.88) and the temperature in the lower mantle ( T ^ 2000 K), the high-pressure mineral assemblage of upper-mantle composition is at least 2 .6 ( ± 1 ) % less dense than the lower m antle over the depth range 1000-2000 km. Thus, we find that a model of uniform m antle composition is incompatible with the existing mineralogical and geophysical data. Instead, we expect that the mantle is stratified, with the upper and lower m antle convecting separately, and we estimate that the compositional density difference between these regions is about 5 ( + 2) %. The stratification may not be perfect (‘leaky layering’), but significant intermixing and homogenization of the upper and lower m antle over geological timescales are precluded.