Extra‐Intestinal Stages of Isospora felis and I. rivolta (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) in Cats*

SYNOPSIS. Evidence is presented that Isospora felis and I. rivolta invade the extra‐intestinal tissues of cats. Kittens were fed sporocysts of I. felis and I. rivolta. At specific intervals the kittens were killed and suspensions of extra‐intestinal tissues were fed to indicator kittens less than a day old. Oocyst production by the indicator kittens within the regular prepatent period was taken as evidence that coccidian stages were present in the inoculum consisting of extra‐intestinal tissues of cats.Tissues of kittens infected with I. felis for 5–104 days were infectious to newborn kittens as follows: liver and spleen mixture 3 out of 5 times, mesenteric lymph nodes 4 out of 4 times, brain and muscle mixture 1 out of 5 times, lungs 1 out of 5 times. The prepatent period in kittens consuming oocysts of I. felis was 7‐11 days; after consuming extra‐intestinal tissues of kittens it was 4–8 days. Distinct coccidian stages unlike those present in the gut were found singly and in groups of 2–15 in lymphoreticular cells of mesenteric lymph nodes of 2 kittens infected for 2–4 days.Tissues of kittens infected with I. rivolta for 5–21 days were infectious to newborn kittens as follows: liver and spleen mixture 3 out of 5 times, mesenteric lymph nodes 1 out of 5 times, brain, muscle and lung mixture none of 5 times. The prepatent period in kittens consuming oocysts of I. rivolta or extra‐intestinal tissues of cats was 5–7 days. Coccidian stages occurred singly or in pairs, intracellularly or free in the mesenteric lymph nodes of 3 out of 10 kittens infected for 1–8 days.