The subject of primary carcinoma of the lungs has attained such widespread interest in the past two decades that it may seem vain repetition to attempt to overcram an already voluminous literature with further case reports. On the other hand, some of the most important therapeutic issues are still unsettled, and it is only by evaluating the results of such reports inincreased numbers that final decision on these problems will be possible. This paper will attempt only to set forth a few of the highlights as observed in the diagnosis and therapy of this lesion. Since the founding of our clinical unit in 1913, approximately 30,000 patients have presented themselves for examination and 18,000 malignant growths have been discovered. Seventy-three cases of carcinoma of the bronchus were recognized, an incidence of 1 to 250. At postmortem examination this lesion was noted with half the frequency of carcinoma of