Plasmacytoid Monocytes in Epithelioid Cell Granulomas: Ultrastructural and Immunoelectron Microscopic Study

Plasmacytoid monocytes, the so-called plasmacytoid T cells, were originally described in rare cases of lymphadenitis. Recent immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated their monocytic origin. Plasmacytoid monocytes have in common with epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells the expression of several antigens; they also occur in close topographic association with epithelioid and multinucleated giant cells in epithelioid cell granulomas. On the basis of these data it has been suggested that plasmacytoid monocytes may transform into epithelioid cells. The present ultrastructural and immunoelectron microscopic study of epithelioid cell granulomas provides furthei arguments in favor of this hypothesis. Moreover, the existence of a transitional cell type with characteristics of plasmacytoid monocytes and epithelioid cells is documented. Subplasmalemmal linear densities present on focal areas of the plasma membrane of the main cell components of granulomas are also discussed.