A split laryngeal mask as an aid to training in fibreoptic tracheal intubation

Thirty patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups in order to compare the use of a split laryngeal mask airway with the Berman II airway as aids to training in fibreoptic laryngoscopy. In both groups anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with isoflurane in N2O/O2 (FIO2 = 0.5). The fibreoptic laryngoscope was guided towards the larynx using the split laryngeal mask airway in group 1 and the Berman airway in group 2. The tracheas of all patients were successfully intubated at the first attempt and no patient's peripheral oxygen saturation decreased below 92%. Two min after intubation mean heart rate was significantly greater in group 1 (101 beat.min-1) than in group 2 (84 beat.min-1) (P < 0.05). The split laryngeal mask is a useful aid to training in fibreoptic intubation and may allow better airway control than the Berman II intubating airway.