Cancer of the testis is the most common malignancy in men between the ages of 15 and 35, yet it is one of the most curable cancers The optimistic prognosis that results from early detection and treatment of testicular cancer underscores the critical need for teaching testicular self‐examination (TSE) However, anintegrative review of the health education literature suggests that the men most susceptible are virtually unaware of the symptoms of testicular cancer and how to detect them Although educational materials have been available, very little intervention research has been published on testicular cancer The literature to date has focused on the psychosocial factors associated with the practice of TSE and increasing knowledge of testicular cancer Although an important beginning step, knowledge of testicular cancer alone as a preventive health behaviour is not sufficient if young men either do not know how to do the examination on their own testicles or do not believe it is important to them Nurses should incorporate health education for testicular cancer and TSE in the delivery of routine primary health care Furthermore, future research should aim to (a) increase knowledge through the educational curricula of high schools and colleges by use of video presentations, (b) examine the efficacy of using silicone models to ensure that men can be trained to detect the symptoms of testicular cancer, and (c) study compliance with recommendations to perform TSE