Design and simulation of bi-directional microfluid driving systems

Micro total analysis systems (μTAS) have been developed to perform a number of analytical processes involving chemical reactions, separation and sensing on a single chip. In medical and biomedical applications, μTAS must be designed considering special transport mechanisms to move samples and reagents through the microchannels in the system. For conventional micropumps, however, complicated relationships exist between the pumping mechanisms, the conditions under which the devices operate and the behavior of the multi-component fluids transported in these channels. A bi-directional microfluid driving system has been developed in this paper. This pneumatic system is an on-chip planar structure with no moving parts and does not require microfabricated heaters or electrodes. The pumping actuation is introduced to the microchannel fabricated in the chip by blowing an airflow through this device. The bi-directional driving module combines two individual components for suction and exclusion. The driving system provides a stable and flexible bi-directional microfluid driving control. The tunable parameters for adjusting the exclusion/suction ratios, such as the location of the inlet channel and the velocities of the airflow, have been observed in the numerical study. The optimal exclusion/suction ratio for the specific purpose of the driving system can be selected by changing the location of the microchannel to the reaction area for the sample/reagent. The velocity at the microchannel can be adjusted by varying the inlet velocities for the suction and exclusion components. For the presented design, no air conduit was employed to connect the servo-system to the driving system; therefore the packaging difficulty and leakage problem, which may arise in conventional systems, can be eliminated. The final airflow outlet was fixed in one direction so that it can prevent cross-contamination between the servo-system and the chip. The driving system is therefore particularly suited to microdevices for biochemical analysis.